Radar Vienna Awards Winners
Many thanks to the members of the Radar Vienna INTERNATIONAL jury, Andrijana Ružić, Arba Hatashi and Birgitta Hosea.
The award is donated by Q21 / MuseumsQuartier Wien.
Yiorgos Tsangaris – RITES OF SPRING
2021 | 04:31 min | CY

Jury statement: Contrasting Christian Orthodox traditions with theatre and pagan ritual, this visually stunning film draws inspiration from folk art and printmaking to express the sensual and carnivalesque eruption of spring. The use of colour, pattern and drawn elements are well supported by the rhythms of the soundtrack.
Many thanks to the members of the Radar Vienna Austrian jury, Andrijana Ružić, Arba Hatashi and Birgitta Hosea.
The award is donated by the Collecting Society of Audiovisual Authors – VdFS
Alexander Gratzer – In the Upper Room
2022 | 08:00 min | AT/HU

Jury statement: A touching film that tenderly relates the story of a relationship between a mole and his blind grandfather. The characters and their relationship are portrayed with great depth and subtlety.
Many thanks to the members of the RADAR PITCH jury, Vullnet Sanaja, Jens Meinrenken and Stefan Stratil.
The award is sponsored by the Austrian Economic Chamber (WKO & WKO Wien, Fachverband Film- und Musikwirtschaft).
Project Title: Wiktoria

Jury statement: The presentation convinced with touching material that grabbed your interest and emotions right from the start. Even more than this the reason for earning the price was a personally convincing presentation of a good idea with a clear vision and concept for the film. The animated parts were merely represented by two still pictures which already implied the potential for a strong and unique artistic animation style. This appeared appropriate to depict a story that needs to be shown to illustrate Wiktoria’s life and might even develop to a unique selling point for the movie. All of these points were much appreciated by the jury.
Many thanks to Hubert Sielecki for donating this award.
Astrid Rothaug – SWALLOWED
2021 | 02:37 min | AT

Sielecki statement: A short animated film of 2.5 minutes, drawn with a thin line, leads us in an unspectacular but impressive way through a phenomenal land of fantasy, accompanied by music that goes with the movement. It’s about youth, old age, the relationship between humans and animals in metamorphoses. Sky and clouds show dreams that lead from the reality of being awake into a cycle film.
A sensitive large work of art.
Many thanks to the members of the RADAR STUDENT jury, Andrijana Ružić, Arba Hatashi and Birgitta Hosea.
The award is donated by the University of Applied Arts Vienna.
Janka Dósa – Calcium Tears
2021 | 02:42 min | AT

Jury statement: Through distinctive character design and an imaginative approach to human movement, this animation creates an original world in which a former athlete reminisces through endless TV watching.
The award is donated by filmarstists.at
Benjamin Laabmayr – A dog you are
2021 | 11:32 min | AT

Janka Dósa – Calcium Tears
2021 | 02:42 min | AT

Jury Special Mention – Radar Vienna INTERNATIONAL AWARD

Akcay Zeynep – KAM
2020 | 03:30 min | TR
Jury statement: A powerful invocation of raw, shamanic, female energy through bold drawings over choreographed pixilation of slowly exposed photography.
Jury Special Mentions – Radar Vienna AUSTRIAN AWARD

Adele Razkövi – On the Bottom of the Laundrybag (Auf dem Grund des Wäschekorbs)
2021 | 07:00 min | AT
Jury statement: In this imaginative short film, a dazzling array of different animation techniques are used to explore one woman’s search for meaning at the bottom of the laundry bag and subsequent transportation to another dimension through the portal of the window of her washing machine.
Jury Special Mentions – Radar Vienna STUDENT AWARD

Shadab Shayegan – The Goose and The Common
2020 | 03:59 min | AT
Jury statement: In this richly graphic film, a goose’s world is turned upside down and then she seeks to fight the authorities, only to be trapped in an impossible M C Escher-like world. The storytelling is underscored by a strong use of colour, composition and space.