Nora Molitor

Is there a life outside the box? Thoughts on communicating and curating
PRESENTATION: Su, 27 March, 12:00 @ BICKLE KINO – Belvedere 21
Drawing on different work experiences – public relations work as well as content and community – Nora and Marie came together as colleagues for the first time in 2018 as a part of the selection committee for the DocumentArt festival in Neubrandenburg. Having known each other as well as Berlin and its cultural life beforehand, they then ventured into questions of experimental and open forms in film and in how far those can be appreciated by a public in smaller towns or even rural areas. They will take this collaboration as a starting point to contemplate how film programs evolve with a specific viewer in mind (or not), how they are being presented to/by the media and finally, how they find or miss out on their audience — in a time, where the pandemic and other world-changing events bring own challenges to presentation and content alike. Is the open form an opportunity or an obstacle when it comes to these different creative processes? Nora and Marie heartily invite the Under the Radar crowd to join them on the non-stage to figure that out!
Nora Molitor studied Intercultural Communication, Spanish and History in Saarbrücken and Paris. She has been working for international literature, film and theater projects as well as festivals, including Filmfestival Max Ophüls Preis, the Berlin International Literature Festival (ilb), the Franco-German stage festival Perspectives and Berlinale Forum Expanded. Jury activities for FCDEP (Paris) and BIEFF (Bucharest). From 2017-2020 she was one of the responsible persons of the Crossing Borders program funded by Robert Bosch Foundation and Literarisches Colloquium Berlin. She is co-founder of transdemo e.V., member of LaborBerlin e.V. and curates and coordinates interdisciplinary projects in the independent Berlin arts&cultural scene.